Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Why Is America's Educational System Dominated By Leftists?

(This question was posted by "djthedj" on the Huffington Post, here, at 10:17am)

Uncle Ayman responds:

That's a good question.

I simply don't know.

I do know that at the turn of the 19th century, socialists and communists were hellbent on progressively wiping out the concept of freedom, of individual rights, of property rights, and to enshrine the government (state) with progressively more power - including over every youngster's mind.

This is beyond dispute. This is all historical fact. And it is also beyond dispute that they took their cue from Europe and Asia - because neither of the monsters they created could have garnered the popular support they did unless the state had absolute control over education (and communications, etc.).

As to why leftists comprise 90%+ of the American government-dominated educational establishment today, I think a good part of it is in the hiring process.

They hire their kind - and ostracize anyone who thinks differently. Just look at the "speech codes," at the textbooks, at the surveys of teachers and professors.

And for all this, jihadists are eminently grateful.

Because today, to organize a rally on a college or high school campus to denounce Jews and Israelis as "Nazis" and "racists" is ho-hum (image at right from Wayne State University); but to try to do that to denounce jihadists, or those who support or enable them (us), well, you better have very deep pockets to fund not only a legion of attorneys, but also, to provide security.

In short, we could not be happier with the state of your government-dominated educational system. Being that most of it is already centrally-controlled (as it is, it must be, in socialist and communist and fascist nations), the transition to our sharia dictates will be far less difficult and painful than were it based on freedom, on free choice, and not on compulsion.

I hope that answers your question - and then some.

Uncle Ayman

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